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Basic Syntax: Exercises and Solutions



Imagine a right triangle like the one above and:

  • Read a number from the standard input and assign it to a
  • Read another number from the standard input and assign it to b
  • Use Pythagoras theorem to determine the value of the long side c
  • Use string formatting to print out the length of the long side
  • If c is larger than PI (a constant), also print out: And this is longer than PI


PI = 3.14

a = input('Length of a? ')
b = input('Length of b? ')
a = float(a)
b = float(b)
c = (a ** 2 + b ** 2) ** .5
print('C has length {0}'.format(c))
if c > PI:
  print('And this is longer than PI')


Length of a? 1
Length of b? 2
C has length 2.23606797749979

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