DataMatrix: Exercises and Solutions
from datamatrix import io
from datamatrix import operations as ops
from datamatrix import series as srs
dm = io.readtxt('data/zhou_et_al_2020_exp1.csv')
sm =, dm.subject_nr)
sm.mean_rt = srs.reduce_(sm.search_rt)
sm = ops.keep_only(sm, sm.subject_nr, sm.mean_rt)
lower = sm.mean_rt.mean - 2 * sm.mean_rt.std
upper = sm.mean_rt.mean + 2 * sm.mean_rt.std
outliers = (sm.mean_rt < lower) | (sm.mean_rt > upper)
for subject_nr in outliers.subject_nr:
print('Removing subject {}'.format(subject_nr))
dm = dm.subject_nr != subject_nr
Removing subject 10
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